Music Videos for Hen in the Foxhouse

This is an ongoing series of music videos for Hen in the Foxhouse’s album, “Look Up”. All designed, storyboarded, built, filmed, and edited by Ivy Waegel.

War on Little Girls

A mix of 2-d and 3-d paper puppets accompanying Heninthefoxhouse’s words on the realities of.growing up as a girl in this white, straight, and male centered society.

The birds

Handcut paper shadow puppets, following the happenings in a few serene scenes.

Olono (The Dragon Song)

Handmade 3-d paper mache hinged puppets, following the relationship between a young genderqueer person and a dragon, Olono.

No Balcony

Entirely made with watercolored and handcut paper puppets, following a bustling little town’s view from a window.